Action June 19, 2016 Management Essentials In 2016 Imagine if work was like this: Every year, you sit down with your manager and create a set of goals.… James Pratt 0 Love2
Action June 6, 2016 Recruiting: How Not To Approach Candidates The market for tech jobs in Seattle is hot. A few of my coaching clients are engineers who are actively pursuing… James Pratt 1 Love1
Ideas April 17, 2016 Empathy Isn’t A Dirty Word For A Manager TL;DR? Watch the 1 minute summary below.Many teams tolerate “brilliant but difficult” people. I have little time for them. I don’t see the point of having someone who can carry 20 gallons of water if they’re pushing over the people… James Pratt 0 Love1
Guides April 17, 2016 The Danger Of Being An Accidental Coach TL;DR? Watch the 1 minute summary below.A tech company CTO, Dinesh, recently asked me whether he should fire a product… James Pratt 0 Love1